New Orleans

It is long overdue that someone in the US realizes that there are still huge parts of New Orleans and the surrounding areas that have yet to even see the beginning of restoration. There are hundreds of people who are STILL waiting for the funding for such basic things as trades to come in and put the electrical, plumbing, heating and walls into some semblance of repair.

The Ninth Ward basically looks much the same as it did about a month after the water receded. There is a woman who just wants what she was promised, help to get back into her own home.

When the hurricane hit, she graciously agreed to take care of a neighbour’s pet, but when she found no help coming after 2 weeks, she had to make the decision to shoot not only the neighbour’s pet, but her own two.

All this woman wants is for the utility company to get the power back to her street, find someone who can help her get the drywall and other rotting material out and get things going again.

Where the hell are those who promised help?

There are still kids living with their families on the street because they are still waiting for the help they were promised. Remember all the outpouring of good feelings and offers?

Apparently these people don’t deserve any of the promises.

I know some of the Canadians have gone down to Saint Bernard Parish just after Christmas to put back the services and structure for those who have perhaps the hardest jobs. Firefighters, police officers, ambulance attendants, even hospital workers are still living in homes that are literally falling apart around them?

What the hell? How can anyone expect these people to work, sleep, and keep their calm in situations when they have a home that is still a mess more than 2 bloody years after Hurricane Katrina left?

Canadian wood workers and carvers took down a huge load of carved wooden toys to the kids who went through hell in the Dome, perhaps were raped in the washrooms, and yet are still living on the street!

If you really want to help, either write the congressman/woman or Senator in your area, or better yet, go to your local home renovation supply store and buy a gift certificate for Habitat for Humanity. They are in that area, getting those who need homes built, and the people who get the homes must work on the houses.

I find it hard to see any credibility in the US Adminstration telling the world they are “restoring” places like Iraq and Afghanistan, when they apparently cannot even restore their own country areas. There are no insurgents shooting in New Orleans, Saint Bernard Parish, the Ninth Ward, so what the hell is their excuse now?st-bernard-parish-where-rescue-workers-went.jpg

Moving In

After finding out that Microsoft is going to use bullying tactics to make sure that Yahoo is going to become part of the monopoly that Microsoft is trying to create, I have chosen to move things from Yahoo.

There is a leaked memo from Microsoft saying they are going to pull a runaround on Yahoo and get to each of the shareholders and put pressure on them to push for Yahoo to become part of Microsoft.

This might be acceptable in American business practices but I, for one, find it irresponsible.

What they both forget is that people, us, are the ones that create the paycheques, not shareholders. Cutting off the supply from people and possibly using the snoop programs Microsoft already has developed for their computers is, in my opinion, stupid.

The EU has already fined Microsoft Billions, yes I said billions, for their business practices. Apparently these fines are considered “just a part of doing business” to Microsoft.

I have also chosen to go to another operating system, and would this mean that because I don’t use any of the Microsoft systems or programs, I get cut off from Yahoo?

That is possible, considering how much infiltration is involved with Microsoft and the snooping they have with their systems.

So.. I am moving in here.

Hello world!

I have many interests so you may find some of the stuff here varied and sometimes scattered from topic to subject to interest and back again.

I have studied some very diverse spiritual information and found one that just makes sense. That will appear here, edited for brevity, but to the point.

Some of the things I post I expect to be controversial, that is what people do, talk, discuss, argue, even disagree or agree to disagree.
