Tax Experts I Want To Meet


I have been watching, with some interest, the way some people view the tax situation in the U.S. and how to deal with it.

I want to meet the fiscal financial experts the Republicans are using for advice! If they can do for me what they tell the GOP they can do for the government, I want in!

I am very interested to know how you reduce the income of the government by keeping taxes low for the very wealthy, such as Donald Trump, Paris Hilton, Dick Cheney, and a very select few others, and still find the money to pay off the national deficit.Very interested indeed if those same tax specialists can also show how this can be done with no tax increase on anyone else too. Totally amazing!

To put this is simpler terms, I will use an ordinary person.

Jack is paid $1000 per month, his taxes are, say, $200, so his take-home pay is $800. Now, the GOP have found a way to pay Jack less, $950, and take less tax, $180, and somehow Jack is supposed to be able to pay his debt bill of $1000 without any problem. I want in! Earn less, pay less tax, and pay off your long-term debt with more money! Yeah! Introduce me to those specialists any place, any time!

So, the GOP want all this hinged on tax breaks for the wealthy, and those hinges are things like giving the people who RAN to a disaster called 9/11, risked THEIR lives, and now face some very nasty health problems, plus, the people who lost all those jobs when the economy went downhill faster than any Olympic skier will have to wait until the rich get a tax break. Those are enormously expensive and very nasty hinges! The unemployed will find their payments held hostage to Paris Hilton, Donald Trump, Dick Cheney, and all those CEO’s of banks, corporations and other wealthy patrons.

Now, one point here, those very wealthy people do have tax specialists, so the tax write-offs, the means to pay less every year for each dollar of income is much less than I pay. Yes, they already have means to pay less, even if they would be paying the tax without the breaks. I have one family member who makes around 7 times what a senior in my family makes, and the senior is paying her taxes quarterly, while the other member is paying close to zero because of the write-offs. This is common as the grass on the prairies.

The reasoning is making me wonder where I managed to miss something. UNLESS the wealthy get a temporary or even permanent tax break, then those who are literally suffering cannot get anything to help them out.

As for the taxes themselves, the math here is very, VERY interesting.

The country is like any household, it needs money to pay bills. So, the country collects taxes to do that. What I see the GOP advice saying is this. Reduce the income of the government (the national household), make sure the wealthy, plus make sure seniors who need the money, people who are unemployed with children at home, and all those young men and women just out of college or university who have tuition bills wait until the income to the government is reduced. Now, I have lived a while, so I know that when my income gets reduced, I cannot pay bills that are on the increase.

Apparently the GOP have found a way to do just that! Reduce the taxes, which in turn reduces the income, and somehow pay off the deficit bills which are rising. Yes! I want to meet those people who have figure out how to do that! You betcha!