Going Down? War, Inflation, and American War on ……..

Yep, there is widespread unemployment, and yes, there is also the need to support two wars, as well as try to pay for the deployment and other costs of the military.

What does this cost each household per month? Well, best guess right now is around $600. Each and every household in the U.S., through taxes will pay for the costs of these wars at a rate higher than a lot of the mortgages after the housing crisis.

Where are things going? History shows that wars only do one thing, create inflation, because the costs of waging those wars must be paid, even when there is little left over in any budget for those payments.

Here is where it gets scary.

Most of the wars in history began from civil unrest, unemployment, and international or internal national stresses. The collapse of the international banking and monetary systems have created both. Resentment is already growing, and blame is being placed on the American banking system, the relaxation of the regulations on that banking system, and the lack of real resolve to restore regulation.

Who is going to pay for all the veteran’s benefits and the costs

The Bush Administration has not asked the American people to sacrifice for the war effort. In fact, the Bush Administration did not even put the costs of the war into the national budget at all.

The tax payer will be paying this bill for years, if not decades, and with the whole idea that you can wage a war on “terrorism” being a limitless war, there will be far more costs coming, and coming soon.

The departments created by the Bush Administration all add to the yearly bills, and with each incident, there are more and more paycheques created by the endless number of “possible threats”.

So, currently there is a really nasty set of circumstances that are hitting every single household in American. Jobs are no longer available in the marketplace, the wealthy are keeping every dime and asking for more money from the government (read tax payer, poor or middle class) and the inevitability of taxes being raised.

Republicans will scream, no doubt, about more taxation, but unless they manage to get their ‘pollyanna’ thinking geared more to the grim reality that the Bush Administration got the entire country into, they are NOT facing wars or reality!

Irony here is really bitter. The American society did (yes, that is past tense) have a real drive to improve their world, to invent, to create new and more efficient ways of producing items. Then the businesses realized that those same items could, and are, far cheaper to make in other countries. Jobs will NEVER return to the U.S. as they once were in the “good old days”. It will NOT happen. Why?

Simple, there is NO reason to want to move those jobs back to a location where wages are higher and costs are higher. So, unless the American worker wants to be paid less than other workers elsewhere, and still pay that $600 per month, those companies will just keep paying dirt poor wages and watch the economy those very companies depend on shrivel.

There is a second reason, the unpredictability that private health insurance puts on not only the business sector, but the working people themselves. Each company that even tries to provide basic coverage is now facing a completely unpredictable cost structure for that coverage.

Let me try to put this into a simplified story here.

Jack is working for a company that once had a very comprehensive health care package, but with the rising costs, that company (I will call it by a totally fictitious name, Kitchens and Cabinets of New Hampshire) cut back. Now Jack gets only very minimal coverage, and his co-pay has risen. KCNH now finds that the private insurers are looking to get rid of his company from their files, so they are looking at Jack for any possible pre-existing conditions in his medical past.

KCNH decides to look elsewhere for a location. The boss at KCNH finds out that he can move his entire operation to another country where his costs would be 40% lower for health care coverage and that coverage is far better than where he is now. He looks at his bottom line, the operating costs, and realizes just how better off his company would be after the move. The money he is spending on his employees would allow him to expand, rather than drain the company further. So, he chooses to move the entire operation to that country.

Jack is now faced with a real problem. His boss tells Jack that either Jack immigrates, or he will no longer have a job.

Jack goes home to his family, and is totally devastated. His daughter is already dealing with a lingering health problem and Jack and his wife have already had so many arguments over which bill to pay first, that both of them are showing signs of stress on their own bodies.

There is instability growing in the Jack family, mostly caused by the demands of the mortgage which has now become worth more than the real value of the home, and the realization that, without the basic coverage Jack did get from his employer’s health coverage, their entire family is at risk.

Jack talks with his wife, tells her what the company is going to do, and starts to look at the option of going with the company to the new location. He does some research, looks at the taxes, looks at the new location, looks at the housing costs, then, finally, looks at the health coverage the country provides.

Hmmmmmm this is looking good! All ambulance, hospital, doctor, specialist, and other services are covered! No wonder his boss is moving the company to the new location!

Jack talks to his wife about the changes they would face. His wife points out one thing. Predictability!

The costs of the health coverage are set, and cannot be changed without solid reasoning. The company will have total predictability too! Their employees will no longer have to work with the increased stress of trying to come up with the co-pay and find ways to pay for even one doctor visit. Yep, this definitely looks much better for all concerned.

A stable work force needs to have some predictability, if they are to remain stable. Simplicity itself, but right now, that is exactly what is NOT happening in the American economy.

Even dogs know that being stressed will make them sick, so they will, with animal wisdom, try to find a way to get rid of the stress.

Back to the big picture, now.

Wars on two fronts, the banking mess which seems to have become a business plan (build huge wealth on faulty housing insurance or multi-level mortgaging) which has now become the BANK OF AMERICAN TAX PAYER, which covers the “mistakes” or screw-ups by banks, and unemployment that has skyrocketed, and there is massive instability.  Add as the icing on the cake, the demands by private insurance more money from those same tax payer pockets, and the recipe for a collapse is baked and served.

Republicans want their cake and they want to eat it too! NO more taxes, but pay for the wars, the banks and cover all those millions of Americans without health insurance with what? Buttons?

Jack may be lucky, because at least his employer is willing to take Jack along, but how many companies are willing to do that?

War has one guaranteed effect, inflation. This has been true since the 1600’s, and remains true now. So the future of the American family is set. MORE taxes, inflation driving prices up again, and jobs that will stay outside the country.

Essentially the U.S. will soon become what Britain became after WW2. A far lesser power, with debts and the need for reconstruction that may take decades.

Ah yes, speaking of the U.K. post WW2! What most Republicans and Democrats have not even understood is this. Europe, the U.K. and WW2 faced 6 years of 9/11! Daily bombing, fires, orphans that were lost, much like Haiti now, and houses obliterated. If you compare photographs of Port Au Prince and London, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Danzig (Gdansk), or any other major city in Europe with photos of Port Au Prince, you will see only small differences. The U.K. went through years of this, over and over, all the while trying to keep their own forces on the battlefront!

Most current universal health care systems were implemented in the period following the Second World War as a process of deliberate healthcare reform, intended to make health care available to all, in the spirit of Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, signed by every country doing so. The US did not ratify the social and economic rights sections, including Article 25’s right to health.

This is the mistake that is now coming back to bite the U.S. big time!

Here is more irony, the U.K. had a debt that was at least 100% of their entire Gross Domestic Production at the end of the war. Much higher than even the current debt the U.S. has now!

The Members of Parliament were dealing with housing crises all over, the repatriation of wounded soldiers and POW’s, as well as trying to find some way to rebuild, so even considering changing the costs to the government and increasing the debt to fund a national health care program must have been highly unlikely. “We cannot afford it!” That was far more true then than the current cries from the Republicans and those who are fiscally conservative now!

What happened? The British Parliament, along with the House of Lords passed a bill that created the National Health Service in 1948, just a very few years after going through years of 9/11!

The National Health Service passed in 1948, a bill which extended health care security to all legal residents. So now I listen to the “reasons” and all the rubbish that those who are trying to block any kind of real health care reform, and wonder this. If YOU had lived through years of 9/11, had an entire country to rebuild, would you have the guts, the leadership, the foresight to change?

A country where workers KNOW what that they can get sick, in an accident, or face contagious diseases and get treatment that is not going to BANKRUPT them are far more likely to work better, be healthier, and their employers are also going to be able to expand!

The health care “system” is highly over controlled by corporate interests, and capitalism has been allowed to determine who, literally, lives or dies.

The “good old days” of America being the super power, the “leader of the free world”, the shining example of “democracy” are done, over, kaput, fini, GONE!

The rest of the world has gathered steam, is progressing, and is matching the U.S. in innovation, in production, and will continue to. The companies based in the U.S. have absolutely NO interest in bringing jobs back home. The U.S. forgot to rebuild infrastructure, forgot to make their own back yard a priority, forgot the middle class worker in favour of profitability. The U.S. financial “wizards” found a way to once again, put the onus on the tax payer for screwing the world economies, yet there was an enormous outcry of “too big to fail!”  Credit default swaps were a way to run around insurance regulation, and with all the mess created, it will take at least a decade or more to undo the damage, IF those in the Congress or Senate are even willing to take on the leadership and have the guts to make stiffer regulation a possibility.

The big picture does NOT look good, and without some real leadership on everyone’s part, the U.S. will be paying for all this neglect for years.

One Place With No Bank Failures, Few Foreclosures, and Still Working

I am totally amazed at knowing this, but there is only ONE country in all of the developed group of nations that is not facing any bank crises, closures, or banking bailouts, as well as few mortgage foreclosures or personal bankruptcies. ONE

This country has strong legislation on banks that demands a much higher ratio to loans vs. deposits, so the money within the system is higher. In fact, these banks are posting profits, albeit lower than previous years.

This country has strong federal legislation over the ratio of down payments to the total mortgage amount, so that unless you have saved at least 20% of the purchase price of a house or condo, you cannot get it.  The lenders are NOT allowed to issue sub-prime mortgages, are NOT allowed to turn the mortgage papers over to others to be used in credit default swaps, and each bank must keep track of the mortgage within their books. Housing prices have dipped, not dropped, losing maybe 18% overall, with some markets remaining stable.

So, there is a solution for other countries to follow.

Add in the fact that this same country has a national health care system, and it is also one of the major trading nations in the G8 and the G20 and there is a huge number of people all over the world wondering how this one country managed to avoid the meltdown and crises affecting them.

Basically one country is a total anomaly to the whole financial mess. Weird but true. Yes, one or two of the banks within this country did get bitten by their transactions in the U.S., but only in a minor way and the deposits and other investments were more than enough to cover the losses.

Where is this place? Straight north of the U.S., Canada.

There are those who use the word “socialism” without knowing the truest meaning of that word, but for years Canada has been labelled as a socialistic society.  The government was seen as overbearing, intrusive, even too conservative to allow free markets to thrive. Taxes are only slightly higher in Canada than elsewhere.

If that is the picture of stability, then perhaps it is time some of the world governments and banks, investment houses and other agencies learned to be far more conservative, even boring.

Going Down? How Long Do You Think This Will Last?

Books to read, and a previous post that should be referred to when devising any solutions. Click here

Jobs going out the window, literally. Companies going under, literally. Houses and foreclosures happening so often now the news services no longer cover this issue. Wow! Like watching a huge ship sink, except this is in very slow motion.

My question here is how long do you think this is going to last?  I thought it may last a couple of years, but when I look at this like an injury to a body, with the bleeding so profuse, and the cuts all over, the outlook for this patient is tentative at best.

So, what do you think? What treatments are out there to stop the bleeding, the damage still happening? The more minds working on this, the better, is my thinking here.

President Obama used words like “Catastrophe, disaster” and, by looking at the damage even now, I have to agree with this.

Solutions! We will work through this, there is no other choice. But how? Come on, give it a go!

My somewhat brief understanding of CDS and loans that sank the banks. Click here.

Housing Crisis and Financial Mess 3 Years Old!

Speaking of the FBI, housing crisis, and mismanagement of money, there is one that seems to be just fine when it comes to the governments and any oversight! Yes, it is now 3 years old, yet no-one seems to even give a damn! There were millions, perhaps hundreds of millions, that have apparently gone missing, yet no-one in the administration, federal, state or even city has done a damn thing to find out where that money went!

What am I talking about? Well, once upon a time, roughly 3 years ago, a storm hit and, in the words of President Bush, “those people in that place” faced death, destruction, homelessness, and even starvation. Starting to ring any bells yet? People from all over North America rallied, raised huge sums of money for relief, and those who had gone through hell, including children, were seen as worthy of any help!

Yeah, once upon a time, this happened. Today, those who are first responders, including the police, the firefighters, and those who were litterally washed out of their homes are living and working in pathetic trailers. The New Orleans Police Department is operating out of trailers now, and their ability to do their jobs is hampered with a severe lack of resources. Even the houses for first responders had to have someone from another country come down to help repair and restore a few of them. Why the hell does it take someone from another country to do this? Very little infrastructure is back to normal, some children and their parents are STILL living on the street, and others are STILL living in emergency housing.

Scammers have grabbed land, others are abusing the shortage of any decent housing to charge rents way out of proportion.

Yet, no investigation! NO authorities, state, city or federal are even looking for the money. NO investigation into the federal emergency aid monies or housing restoration has happened either! Hmmm maybe because those children and families are NOT white?

If President Obama wants a place to start with investigating, working on infrastructure, housing, and supporting citizens who just got caught in a whole series of lies about water, levees etc. then I would say New Orleans, Saint Bernard Parish IS the place to start.

Maybe I need to be a bit more blunt. IF a nation CANNOT restore a city where there ARE NO insurgents, then the credibility of the nation is basically shot. How can any nation propose to restore, rebuild and help others when THAT NATION REFUSES TO REPAIR ITSELF? This tells the whole world that the US cannot even manage to restore a part within the country and any promises to help other countries will likely end up with the same mess years later.

When the US is trying to get the world to help out in the two wars, and the stated objective is to restore Iraq and Afghanistan to democracies, perhaps the argument for restoring those countries would hold a hell of a lot more credence if the US could actually restore one small city. Until that happens, people around the entire world see the promises from the US as empty air.
Maybe now that more than just one small city with “those people in that area” are affected, somebody may actually pay attention now!